Sunday, November 25, 2007

the eve of our 9th spent trying to beat deadlines. Though I cannot complain, really. These are blessings. But maybe in the succeeding weeks, I'll slow down a bit. Honestly, it really gets exhausting working after a day job.

I'm also a bit worried about tomorrow's weather. For the past few hours now, I've been logged on to PAG-ASA's website monitoring typhoon Mina. But it looks like God's answered our prayers. She's now nearing Isabela. I just pray that it'll be a bright, sunny day tomorrow for the whole part of Luzon.

I'm really excited about our anniv. First, because I get to be with Francis for a whole day. Second, it's an out-of-town daytrip that he promised me (he knows I badly need to unwind away from the city). Third, there'd be lots of photos to upload, which also means that among those photos is a potential profile pic. Fourth, I get to have my haircut the day after tomorrow. I've been procrastinating on having my hair chopped because Francis begged me to skip it until after our anniv.

So, so...I really need to finish writing some stuff so I can have my "beauty rest", as Cindy puts it. Plus, I have yet to prep my garb for tomorrow. I just hope I don't pass out freezing in Tagaytay, what with the dress I plan to wear. Ho-hum.

Advanced happy 9th to us, Pangga! I'm sooooo proud of us! Let's not forget to thank Him!

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