Tuesday, June 09, 2009

my husband made me cry last night...

...But it's not because we fought or anything like that. It's like this.

You see lately, I've been thinking about selling my Canon Powershot A620 to get myself some brand new P&S camera. Beren, my Powershot, has served me well and has witnessed my beginnings as a novice photographer (not that I'm a pro now). It's not just a Point-and-shoot cam; it's actually a prosumer camera that has manual settings. Beren was there to replace my very crappy Olympus camera (my first digital cam), and he was also there to witness how I first tinkered with aperture and exposure settings. In other words, Beren is sentimental to me. And much as I hate to sell him, I can already feel the need to, especially because I already have Ken'ichi, my 400D DSLR. I just need a simple P&S for blogging and snapshots purposes (but one that already has a higher resolution and can produce better image quality). I'm just hoping that someone I know would buy it from me so I can still get to see Beren every once in a while, see how he is (and how his new owner is treating him. haha!)

Since Francis knows how sentimental I can get--and how annoying I can be just wondering out loud how Beren is in the hands of his new BFF--he thought of a very bright, über sweet idea: he'd just buy it from me to spare me from missing and worrying about my cam. That way, he gets to have his own camera (as if mine is not conjugal!) and he won't have to hear me whining. Hahah! But seriously, his idea made me so happy and I was so touched I couldn't help but cry!

I super thank God for giving me such a sweet and thoughtful husband that's beyond what I imagined...

But Francis is still not thrilled about my plans to buy an iTouch. I guess I'd have to put that off. Haha!

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