Friday, September 11, 2009

on a day-off

For two consecutive long weekends, I was out on a shoot. It sucks. I feel like such a loser. Haha! So now I took a day off to make up for loss time at home. Ahh, home.

I never thought I'd be this attached to our (relatively) new place. I always look forward to going home, never mind if the main chore waiting for me every day is cooking (which I enjoy, anyway; we eat out every once in a while--hurrah to that!). There's something about starting a new life and living in a new place that make going home exciting and special. Of course, I still have some adjustments to make; but all in all, I'm loving this place--how it's relatively near to everything (malls, hospitals, my workplace, my hubby's workplace, UP, etc); how a small community on our street exists sans the horrid busyness of the metropolis. Sure, it gets busy every weekend, but it's nothing we can't stand. How can we complain if there's Starbucks, South Star Drugstore, Eunilane, Nuat Thai Massage and more than a handful of restaurants just a stone's throw away from our building?!?

But of course, I still miss my home in Taytay--everything and everyone in it. I miss hearing the soles of my shoes softly pound the pavement whenever I go home late and there's practically no one on the street. I miss seeing and hearing rowdy kids playing on a Saturday, as they agitate our dogs who would, of course, bark at them, waking me up. I miss my mom's cooking; she even texted me yesterday saying that she feels for me for no longer being able to bring baon to work. She usually prepares my baon. I had to assure her that it's alright because I still bring baon sometimes, whenever there's some extra food left. (Awww, my mom went all senti yesterday, I bet.) I miss small talks with my sister. I even miss our fights. I miss playing with my dogs (and so it really broke my heart when mom told me one of our dogs passed away. It broke my heart so much that I cried to sleep that night). I miss sitting by the table at our indoor garden/lanai. I miss the smell of rain in that house. I miss my mega messy room. I miss it all so much. That's why I'm excited every time my mom and sis announce their unplanned visits to our new place. I enjoy the company a lot. I visit them, too, of course. And it's at these frequent visits when I realize I miss them. Indeed, it's true that proximity can make a big difference--you come to appreciate the ones you love better when you don't see them often. You bond more when you see each other.
And so as I spend the rest of this day alone in our own place, I think of my home in Taytay--but it's a thought that's not sad at all. It's a thought that makes me feel more loved and missed. And that thought is more than enough to make me feel all fuzzy inside in this gloomy, rainy weather.

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