Thursday, July 07, 2011

counting my blessings

Because I can foresee that the following weeks will be crazy busy, allow me to reflect on happy, blessed things that happened recently/is happening/will happen soon:

Ice Cream Assassins with UR Face Radio DJ Sick James;
that's me and hubby, screen cap courtesy of sis (thanks, Sis!)

1. After two years, our pseudo-band reunited again for an exciting radio guesting last June 21! We were all so stoked about the prospect because the last time we got together was for our wedding. The one-day-only practice had been a breeze, and the guesting itself was fun, fun, fun despite the downpour! Like I said, it's so good to have been back on the mic again.

Many, many thanks to UP Music Circle, our ever beloved college org (yes, I'm one of the founders, and yes, I am that old but shut up, haha!) for inviting us; and of course, to UR Face Radio for letting us crash and do our thang. Do listen to a collection of songs from Music Circle's bands here, and don't forget to check out Ice Cream Assassin's Coffee Dew (that's us!)!

2. There's this book I'm working on, and I can't say yet what it is so as not to preempt things. But here's a clue: it's going to be pages and pages of coooool ideas about nesting! My team is busy completing the whole thing, and I do hope we can manage to remain on schedule. I can't wait for the launch, which is going to be on the latter part of this year!

3. Every day, I am so tempted to skip work because of the sleepy weather and our cozy, cozy home. As mentioned in my previous entries, our dear nest still needs a lot of work and sprucing up, but I'm so, so in love with it already. I probably wouldn't mind staying in and just being lazy all week long. Happy sigh!

4. Hubby and I have become responsible adults recently when we decided to take a leap of faith and plunge into investments. It's not much, but it's a start. We hope and pray that we'll be blessed by it so we can share the blessings!

5. One word: Baguio. There's a trip coming up soon, this time around, hubby and I will be bringing my mom along. I promised her a Baguio trip two years ago, and it's about time that I keep true to that promise. So I'll be packing scarves and jackets and boots again real soon. Hurrah! (Plus, a Baguio trip is well-deserved, especially with the chaos I'll be going through the next few weeks.)

Well, it's true that when things are looking down, you just have to count your blessings. I look forward to counting more (minus the things-that-are-looking-down, haha!)!

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