Tuesday, November 05, 2013

shuffling here and there

The past months in photos (or, My Excuse for Not Posting Anything Decent Here Lately).

I'm not allowed to post photos until after the groom and bride have posted the pics themselves. Heh.
My li'l sis' pre-nup photo shoot, which was shot in the outskirts of the metro, kept me busy looking for pegs and doing a bit of post-edits. First stop was Thunderbird Resort in Bingonan, Rizal; then it was at Jardin de Miramar in Antipolo, where the couple will be holding their wedding reception.

The weather was considerate enough to let us have enough natural light. Sadly, no blue skies were in sight that day. 


At work, every single one of us at Real Living was running around like headless chickens because of our first ever major event, the Real Living Space. 

It was a one-week event last September that showcased the model units and function areas of the Trion Towers in BGC. These units/spaces were patiently and meticulously designed by seven designers who were very nice enough to work with us despite the short lead time. The result? Real Living Space was a resounding success! All the hard work really paid off, thanks to our partner stores, sponsors, the designers, the Events team, and our publisher Tom. The event may have been very challenging to put together (birth pains!), but the feedback we got told us that it was all worth it! Thank God!


This setup was on the second floor of our church, and was supposedly for the "buffet" table, but we all ended up transferring downstairs for a bigger space.
  As my sister's matron of honor, of course I took the initiative to throw a shower party for her, with a big help from our EBC churchmates. And being the managing editor of a magazine that promotes creativity in the form of interior designing and styling, I was inspired to come up with a tablescape that features photos of my sis and her fiance, tucked inside DIY cloches made of reused empty bottles (thanks to Tala for lending me a few pieces). These cloches surround a bigger bottle that holds a twig, where paper flower balls in yellow and red hung (thanks to Dagny for giving me those pretty balls!). Tea lights completed the Shabby-chic setup, and it was such a pleasure to actually see how my sister liked what I did. Hee! (And with that first tablescape "stint", I am motivated to do more at home for special occasions and gatherings!)

This month is looking extra busy for me; aside from matron-of-honor duties, our (seasonal) band, Ice Cream Assassins, snagged two gigs to prepare for (after a year of inactivity, haha! Well, we're not really that active in the music scene given our day jobs, but we try to grab hold of gigs that come our way). And of course, the Christmas is just a couple of weeks away, and Francis and I have yet to prepare the house for that. And the thing I dread most? Christmas shopping, because I'm pretty sure we'll cram again this year. In fact, we haven't even polished our Christmas list yet. Argh! But yes, I promise to not make these as another set of excuses to lag behind blogging.

Wish me all the best!

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