Monday, July 14, 2014

oh, provençal!

I had a shoot last Saturday, and normally, working on a weekend would instantly bum me out, especially since I was just recuperating from a bad case of the sniffles. But the shoot proved to be a respite from the city stress. Plus, since Francis now has Saturday work again because of his new project, leaving the comforts of home on that day didn't seem to be a bad idea (versus being stuck at home, alone).

Arriving at the location meant instant stress-relief. Consider this view: 

I had this urge to just run up those hills and soak up the sun (this lass didn't have any basking-under-the-sun summer, so...). And the charm of the place is just so wonderful!  Francis and I could spend the weekend there, shut off from any social network connection, and everything will still be perfectly all right.

Apparently, I am already itching to get a break. That Hanoi trip can't come any sooner!

A pleasant surprise after the shoot: a spur-of-the-moment date with le hubby, who drove all the way to Nuvali from work just to pick me up. *giggles*

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