Saturday, February 02, 2008

so many, many things

There's a lot of things going on in my head right now--a lot of things I want to write about. But I'm in no mood to go into details about these things.

This is stress taking over. Aaaaarrghssh!

Anyway, seems like I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of hoarding the blogosphere, like:

1. pictures from Bubbles' shower party....
2. ...and ultimately, her wedding photos
3. updates on the preparation for the Big day (this will be a short entry, as there' not much to write yet)
4. another Baguio trip due this Feb, with office pals and I'm crossing my fingers, with my fianc
é (who, btw, is currently in Bora for an assignment--this time, it's a real OB; he has another assignment there that would fall on the Baguio trip. Bleh!).
5. things getting crazier by the minute at work, which led me to consider outside options, which in turn gives me heartaches
6. puppy updates, and that a few weeks from now, they'll all be given away. I miss them already.
7. a lot more that I can't remember

So because I don't seem to be making any sense, I deem that I not pursue writing about these things in detail. I need a visit from the muse.

I'm thinking plum and champagne and lime. Hmmm...

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