Thursday, February 14, 2013

master juggler

Hello, hello!

Been slacking again at blogging lately. My apologies. It's just that I am currently unbelievably busy juggling two day jobs (well, technically, I'm part-timing on both jobs): reporting for Job No. 1 on an MWF setup, and TTh for Job No. 2. But in two weeks, my contract with Job No. 1 will expire, and Job No. 2 will take the front seat as my *drum rolls please* new (regular) day job!

Okay, okay, I think it's now safe to announce what my new day job is all about (I posted about it a few weeks back): I am coming back to Summit as the new Managing Editor of Real Living magazine!!!


I've been sitting in as a freelancing managing ed since January while my contract with Job. No. 1 is still in effect, but I really can't wait to go full time and focus all my energy on this new career journey. I'm still getting the hang of things, and it's such an exciting experience. I know that there are expectations of me, but I try not to dwell in them (lest I drive myself insane with pressure, and that is never healthy). Instead, I will do my very best to deliver the goods and improve myself in this endeavor that I decided to immerse myself in.

So yes, while I'm still juggling two jobs, I may not be able to blog as often as I would like to. But I promise to come back with a vengeance (haha) in two weeks.

Wish me all the best in my new career!

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