Friday, September 21, 2007


There's this sudden, urgent need to repost this:

Because I no longer want to be constrained.
Because I no longer want to be a mere puppet for unreasonable minds.
Because I don't want to be forever saying yes.
Because I want to speak my mind.
Because I don't want to be boxed in.
Because I believe in creative freedom.
Because I know I can do better.
Because I am not a slave to other people's daft wishes.
Because I feel like I'm sinking deep into the muck of complacency.
Because there are better things for me.
Because I'm no longer happy here.
Because I could be happier.
Because enough is enough.
Because I no longer want to.

I just badly need to break down; then I'll be fine.

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

awww...thanks, abby! *hugs back*