Thursday, October 18, 2012

when the going gets tough, the tough goes dating

The Prism Plaza gets illuminated with these changing light
Francis has been so stressed lately, we've been frequenting our favorite massage place once every two weeks. His current project assignment has been much of a challenge for him. Actually, I've never seen my husband this tired and...whiny. Hahaha! It's usually me who's complaining!

But I guess me being a freelancer now is of good timing. I can't imagine both of us coming home from work, grumpy and all stressed out and ready to lash at each other because we're already at the end of our respective rope. At least now that I have a relatively relaxed work pace, I can readily attend to his rants and needs. I try my best. Whenever I can (and I'm glad I can do it often), I prepare dinner so that by the time Francis gets home, all he needs to do is plop down on the dining chair and attack his grub. I volunteer to do the dishes even on those days when it's his turn, because I know such a simple task can add up to his physical stress.

Honestly, it's pretty alarming to see him looking all harassed. Like I said, it's usually me who's in that state. Sometimes, I feel helpless, but I remind myself that I'm in a better position to do something about his situation and help him cope with things at his work. And so in another attempt to ease up things for him, I took dear hubby out to dinner last Sunday at the Prism Plaza in Two E-com Center, MOA Complex. There's this good Thai restaurant there called Just Thai, and I thought he'd appreciate good food amid a nice place like Prism Plaza. (Good thing I discovered the area when I had a meeting for a project a couple of months back.)

From top: Interesting lighting fixture in Just Thai; and their delicious fare: crispy tilapia and broccoli flowers with carrots
 I'm glad he actually liked the place and the ambiance. Prism Plaza is located at the quiet side of MOA Complex, away from the busy crowd and jam-packed restaurants in the mall. There are a few people loitering around, taking pictures of the nice area overlooking Manila Bay. 

I was actually intending to bring him there just right before sunset, so we can be all cheesy together watching the horizon, haha! Unfortunately, we were both distracted by the Internet, hence, we were late. Oh well.

Anyway, dinner had been great, and the food equally satisfying. We lingered for a couple of minutes, then proceeded to stroll in the mall. (Quick shopping grab: a loose cardigan in mustard yellow from Forever 21, which I got for about 60% off!!! Plus, two back issues of Real Simple and one Travel + Leisure from Booksale!) I was coercing Francis to buy some polo shirts, but I guess his shopping mode was turned off (unlike mine, which seems to turn itself on by its own will, hahaha! But I promise to just buy small stuff, since I'm on a self-imposed shopping sabbatical again.) An hour or so of strolling tired us out, so before going home, we walked to One E-com Center to grab some coffee/dessert (Starbucks there is less crowded).

Seeing Francis looking less worked up and more upbeat a few days after our dinner date means that I succeeded in my attempt to somehow help him de-stress. That's enough to make a wifey like me feel very happy.

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