Wednesday, September 29, 2010

byline whore...and then some

I have been churning a handful of write-ups lately, most of which, I am happy to say, have my byline. I am already on my third article, and there's one more to go before this week ends.

I admit it's not really an easy task, especially when I get distracted by the Internet. Boo. Actually, the hard part there is getting distracted in the middle of transcribing an hour-long interview. I hate transcribing. Anyone who says it's fun to do can get my share. But the writing part is very much welcome. It's weird, but I feel...happy when I write. There's a certain challenge to it that brings me this awesome fulfilled feeling after I've typed (or edited) away the last few concluding words. And of course, there's a byline. In my job at a semi-ad agency department, nobody cares about credits because, well, there's none. Most of the time, though, that works because at least no one would know you did a mediocre material based not on your own concept but on the one who pays you to execute their concept. So you see.

Anyway, it's good to be able to write a decent piece of article. It keeps my brain alive. (And it's also good to know that someone else is cramming to beat deadlines, i.e., my husband. He's not writing, though; he's trying to map out river basins, whatever that means.)

Before I ramble on some more, let me get back to my deadline.

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