Tuesday, August 15, 2006

all in a day's work

Last night, after feasting on our fave meal at Chef d'Angelo, Francis and I were relieved to get out of the rain and onto a Cubao-bound bus--our usual route from Ortigas. Of course, the driver took his time and waited for more passengers to fill in every nook and cranny of the bus. But just when it was about to cross Ortigas Avenue, this guy from the very backseat (where we're seated), who doesn't look any sober, suddenly pleaded everyone to spare him some money for his fare; that he's doing an OJT sans allowance; and that he just badly needs money to go home. Rarely do we encounter things like that, so I got quite alarmed. I nudged Francis and told him we oughtta step out of the bus because I'm feeling "that feeling". But we remained seated. Five minutes have passed. Then the guy pleaded again, this time with an impatient tone. No one dared to give him what he wanted. I'm beginning to feel really uneasy because things like that could get out of hand. Just when we were about to get out of the scene, the now impatient guy made his way to the aisle, promptly introduced himself, and continued lamenting that he really, really need some money so please, please, please. Apparently, the guy's out of his mind. Why in the world would you have to introduce yourself and give a short educational background if you're just begging for money? It would've been sincere if he wasn't acting that weird.

At that moment, I had this urge to just run the guy down and flee from whatever bad is about to happen. I've been in a scary situation like this years ago, and it cost me my mobile phone and a bit of sanity, so you can just imagine how distressed I was. The moment the man went back to his seat, Francis and I hurriedly made our way to the door, paid our fare, and stepped out into the drizzle and onto EDSA (very near the Santolan MRT station, to be precise). We felt a big relief. Like I wanted to scream with relief. Never mind if we had to stand there for almost half an hour just to get another ride, and never mind if we wasted 20 bucks for not even 2 miles of travel. As long as we're far away from that scary guy, who I believe would do something stupid if nobody really gives him what he wanted. What if he's a holdupper? I never, EVER, want to encounter such ruthless beings again IN MY LIFE. NEEEEEEVEEEER!!! Thank God, indeed, that we were able to get out of such a terrifying situation.


Now on to happy things. I think I'm presently on the verge of getting addicted to another Korean-novela series. I'm not really a huge fan of Asian series shown here on our shores. It's just that I choose what show I let myself get hooked in and after Full House, this show (Love Story in Harvard, which had its pilot last night) is probably the next...

...which means that, I have something to look forward to every night. But with the semi-unpredictable schedule I have at work, I have another reason to hate doing overtime work...like now. Humbug!

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