Monday, August 21, 2006

the day rage almost ate me up

There are moments when you just want to break down and throw pillows at the wall just to express rage. But there are also moments when, at the height of that anger, God uses His word to soothe the raging storm in you.

That’s what Psalm 27 did to me. During that day when I was so bursting with hatred brought upon by a very problematic project and aggravated by another incident that happened that night I went home from work (it involves this ruthless jeepney driver who intentionally hit on the breaks and almost inflicted serious injuries on this unsuspecting girl), it’s very humbling to know that He knows every bit of rage I was feeling that time. Upon opening ODB to that night’s devotion, I knew He’s unravelling some answers for me. The devotion’s title? Facing Your Enemies. To say it has been timely is an understatement. It’s a miracle, if I may say. And at that very moment, I was again reminded to take my raging feeling to Him and let Him do the rest. Because really, hatred is a two-edged sword, and hate is a feeling I dislike very much. So I took everything to God in prayer and soon enough, I was sleeping like I’ve had the best day of my life.

Vindication came the following day (let me not talk about how it exactly came to me). What can I say…”If you are facing enemies, God will use His Word to help you.” Indeed.


Please pray for Francis’ fast recovery – he’s been having recurring fever the past few days and we’re suspecting dengue. He’s had his blood tested this afternoon and the doctors said there’s nothing alarming to really conclude it’s dengue (thank the Lord!). He’s in for another blood test tomorrow just to be sure. I just hope and pray it’s just a simple case of flu…


Unknown said...

i hope it's not dengue. i remember feeling so weak when i had it. at any rate, it's good that he was brought to the doctor early.

it's during these times when we remember our mortality that we are forced to reflect on our lives as a whole. right now, my motto is this: if ever i forget, remind me that life is too short for anger, for hate. i thought about it last week, when my dad said that he could have something serious, but we won't find out for sure until next month. please pray for him.

Sunshine said...

Indeed. and yes, i'll pray for your dad. =)

Thank God Francis is okay now, though he still has to rest for today so he could recover completely.
